Thursday, July 23, 2009

exciting monotony.

i'm feeling like i should be blogging... seeing as how i post the rest of my life on facecbook or "tweet" it all, i think that maybe i should be saying a little more here. open ranting or yammering is also acceptable here, which makes for slightly more interesting topics... or should. shouldn't it? i feel like i get on here and writing is almost a chore. or i need to find something that will attract people, who may actually find this all too normal life of mine interesting.

okay, so i'm a mother of three - yeah, i guess it's a big family by today's standards... but it's not big enough for anyone to really care. i bake alot... what of it? i'm no martha stewart. i crochet and craft in general... again, not really interesting (and, again not martha stewart).



maybe someday things will start to happen. until then, all none of you out there reading this will contintue being bored to death by my lack-luster life.


Friday, July 17, 2009

food, food and more food.

shaweet! ace of cakes just came on, and it's the one where they do the cake for the 100th episode of LOST! woo-hoo!!! i love this one... the merging of two of my favorite shows, yay!

anyhoo.................. lots of baking and try of new recipes lately, especially for the 4th of july. martha stewart's lemon cake, alton brown's granola bars, marshmallows... and that was just for the holiday. but now, after all the baking, i'm kinda sweeted out. so it's savory time! this, of course involves more cooking, less baking. mainly, the cooking of cheese sauces... oooooohhh, yeeeeah. tonight's dinner was phenomenal... and phenomenonally easy (i'm currently questioning my spelling abilities. eh.). potato gnocchi, garlic/parmesan/ricotta/fontina alfredo sauce topped with steamed asparagus.

A+ from the kiddos.