Wednesday, June 24, 2009

sweet treats; not-so-sweet attitudes

so i'm considering making more hand-pies today and just realized that i never did a follow-up after making them before......... the verdict??? kick ass! the crust was, by far, one of the best crusts i've ever tasted! last time i did strawberry/rhubarb. this time i'm planning on mixed berries! mmmm, i can't wait! hopefully the kiddies behave so they can have some, too. it's been one of those days.... bad attitudes + mounting and attempting to pummel the sister = NO treats! sorry.

...wait, no i'm not.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


i'm tired and over-caramelized.... werther's chewy caramels will be the death of me.

time to stop chewing and do some crunches.